Sunday, March 24, 2013

Loco In Yokohama (The missing pages)

This was the most awesome series ever written by a J Blogger. It's not a post but a series and the opinions and thought it drew out were specfuckingtacular. I always got on Loco because he put a bulk of the series in storage and wrote a book.

That book .....had a foreword.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Loco's Patronas

Started with being told to "Fuck Off" and ended with one of the better readings in a long long time.

Click to Visit Site

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Part V

Why'd we come All This Way?

If you get it all you're a genius
Get a little and you're smart
Confused?.......go...Twitter is still waiting for!!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

RLS 20k with it's eyes closed.

Fuckin' Will...bringing back the thrill!!

THIS is the shit I love and I am gonna get RLS back in form. It has 22k and has maybe gotten someone a comment or two and has not taken one since it can't.

If you wanna see a good post head on over to: